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Privacy Policy

JDM Ayurvedic Psoriasis About

Psoriasis JDM Booty:

Psoriasis Health Clinic Private Limited is committed to implementing measures designed to protect the privacy of those using our services and accessing this website www.psoriasisjdm.com. It is clarified that the term "Psoriasis" shall include its affiliate and associate companies, directors, officers, employees or cyber doctors. Although Psoriasis respects the privacy of all those who visit our Website, and use our online services through computers, mobiles or otherwise, we do collect certain relevant information from and about our users. Except as set forth within this Privacy Policy, our Terms of Service, our Disclaimer and other published guidelines, we do not release personally identifiable information (as described below) about users of this Website without their permission.

Ownership of the Website:

This Website is owned and managed by Psoriasis. All references to Psoriasis shall be deemed to mean a reference to www.psoriasisjdm.com. All information and content provided on this Website shall be the sole property of Psoriasis and all rights for distribution are reserved with Psoriasis.

Effect of this and related documents:

This Privacy Policy, our Terms of Service, our Disclaimer and other published guidelines, govern your interaction and use of this Website.

Periodic policy changes:

Please note that Psoriasis may reviews its Privacy Policy from time to time as it may deem fit (e.g., to track technology and/or legal changes), and hence this Privacy Policy is subject to change. We strongly suggest that you bookmark and periodically review this page to ensure continuing familiarity and awareness with the most current version of our Privacy Policy.

Opt-out option:

If you would like to have your personally-identifiable information removed from Psoriasis databases, please call +91-9812157343 or e-mail to jdmpsoriasis@gmail.com.We will use reasonable efforts to comply with your request. However, there will be residual information that will remain within Psoriasis databases, access logs, and other historical internal records, which may contain such personally-identifiable information.

Your requesting available information about you:

If you want to find out what information Psoriasis has in its database about you, please write to Psoriasis at the address mentioned in the contact details provided herein, call +91-9812157343, or e-mail to www.psoriasisjdm.com. Please include your name, e-mail address, and other information in the same format that you originally supplied to Psoriasis so we can be more certain of matching your request to the correct information.

Information we may gather:

Psoriasis offers online resources designed to provide health, medical, and product-related information and services such as chat with doctor, online discussion forums, communities, counselling services, phone consultations and e-mail communication etc. For the said purpose certain personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information has to be gathered, relied upon and used, as described below.

Non-personally-identifiable information

General: When users come to our Website, we collect and aggregate information indicating their home server, but not their e-mail addresses. Such information helps us identify the most popular content and portions of our Website and determine the effectiveness of our various promotional activities. We aggregate such information for internal review and thereafter it is superseded by more recent information "Cookies": We also use "cookies" – that is, small text files placed on your computer's hard drive/ mobile – to help you in getting faster access to this Website's contents, and to help us determine the type of content you find of interest, the sites to which you link, the length of time you spend at any particular area of this Website and in particular Psoriasis services you choose to use. Cookies are only read by the server that placed them, and are unable to execute any code or virus. Cookies allow Psoriasis to serve you better and to personalize your web-browsing experience. Nevertheless, you can control how and whether cookies will be accepted by your web browser. For more information on how to do this, please refer to the documentation accompanying your browser or third party web sites.

Personally identifiable information:

General: In certain areas of this Website, we require that you provide us with personally-identifiable information, in order to be able to use that portion or those portions of this Website. For instance, the names and contact information of persons who visit our Website are added to our database so that, for example, they may be contacted in the future regarding Psoriasis products, services or future opportunities. Such contact may occur by e-mail, telephone or mail, as Psoriasis deems appropriate. Specific: Psoriasis may also collect health information about you that you provide by while enquiries/ raising queries or during the treatment/ responding to our questions and surveys (including but not limited to information pertaining to the ailment described by you, your medical history, pictures, records etc.). Billing Information: As some of services provided by Psoriasis are paid services, Psoriasis may require additional information pertaining to your contact details, billing address, credit card information etc.

Your requesting available information about you:

All such information collected is for the purpose of providing consultancy and counselling services to you. We may also collect information from you if you subscribe to any of our regular newsletters.

Providing us with the aforesaid information is optional. However, in some cases it may not be possible for us to provide the service in question without receiving certain information from you.

How we use the information we gather:

Psoriasis will use the information received to provide services in the best interest of the users. You agree and understand that the apart from Psoriasis and its representatives, certain third parties, such as operations and maintenance contractors repairing and maintaining our technical systems may have access to your personal data. Psoriasis has not entered into non-disclosure agreements with such third parties. You consent to such persons having access to your information.

  • How We Use Non-Personally Identifiable Information: We aggregate data on users' home servers for internal review purposes, in order to build higher quality, more useful online services and better products, e.g., by performing statistical analysis of the collective characteristics and behaviour of our users. Following such internal review, such aggregated information is then superseded by more recent information.
  • How We Use Personally-Identifiable Information: Psoriasis provides notice to users that personally-identifiable (i.e., non-aggregated) information will be collected during the web-browsing process. This Privacy Policy also serves as a notice that such information is collected under those circumstances. Psoriasis may use such information to enhance your experience by providing such information to appropriate third parties, including any outsourcers, as reviewed and selected by Psoriasis.
  • Additionally, Psoriasis shall use the information provided by you to administer and respond to your enquiry. Your enquiry will be researched by our information team, who will respond to the same. Psoriasis shall make best endeavours to securely store the information supplied and the response provided. Psoriasis may also produce reports on the use of the services utilised by the user to monitor and develop the service

    With your permission, academic institutions and/or Psoriasis may use your data for case studies, wherein your name, age, ailment and other details may be revealed. In these instances, we shall inform you in advance and obtain your consent for the same. You will have the choice to opt out of the study. Psoriasis reserves the right to disclose information contained in our access logs concerning any user as we reasonably feel is necessary to protect our systems or business. In particular, we reserve the right to disclose such information when a user is in violation of our current or later Terms of Service, Disclaimer, Privacy Policy or other published guidelines, or initiates or participates (or is reasonably believed to participate) in any illegal activity, even without a subpoena, warrant, or other court order, and to disclose such information in response to court and governmental orders, civil subpoenas, discovery requests, and as otherwise required by law. Other causes of release of data may include but are not limited to: (i) taking precautions against liability issues; (ii) to assist government enforcement agencies; (iii) to investigate and defend Psoriasis against third party claims or allegations; (iv) to protect the security or integrity of the Website and/or services provided by Psoriasis; and/or (v) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Psoriasis, users of the Website and any other person.

    Psoriasis shall be entitled to share your information for business reasons such as reorganization/ divestment of its business through sale, merger or acquisition. Psoriasis will, in such a scenario, obtain written assurances that the information will be adequately and appropriately protected in these circumstances.

    Consultancy and counselling are intended solely for your use. All information is tailored to meet your individual situation/circumstances (on the basis of the information furnished by you) and is therefore not appropriate to be shared with others. You shall not without prior written permission from Psoriasis share this information with any person whosoever, and/ or alter or edit the same.

    How the User Can Access or Correct Information:

    In order for Psoriasis to provide effective consultancy and counselling services, you shall be required to provide full, complete information and updated information pertaining to the ailment (including but not limited to your medical history). Psoriasis shall be entitled to presume that the said information provided by you is true, correct and updated.

    You can access all your personally identifiable information that we collect online and maintain by calling us or sending us an e-mail as per the contact details stated herein. Where offered, you also may update your personal information by modifying information that you previously have entered into forms or data fields on our Website.

    Please note that Psoriasis shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for wrong diagnosis and/ or prescription.

    We will use reasonable efforts to correct the incorrect information. We use this procedure to better safeguard your information.

    Interactive Areas:

    Psoriasis provides certain services such as bulletin boards, discussion forum, chat rooms and other interactive areas ("Interactive Areas") on the Website.

    Any information you reveal in the Interactive Areas, including but not limited to any public forum is not subject to this Privacy Policy and can be seen by third parties unrelated to Psoriasis. It is therefore important that you carefully consider what information you disclose in these Interactive Areas.

    Further, Psoriasis can not and does not control the acts and comments of the users of its Website's services or monitor the accuracy of postings by such users. If communications in such Interactive Areas are not in conformity to the Terms of Service, Disclaimer or the Privacy Policy, Psoriasis shall solely be entitled to investigate the allegation and remove or request the removal of the communication. Psoriasis reserves the right (but is not obligated) to edit or delete any communication posted on the Website, regardless of whether such communication violate these standards for content. The views expressed by the users of this Website (including but not limited to the Interaction Areas) are that of the users and Psoriasis does not subscribe to or agree with the contents therein in any manner whatsoever. Psoriasis cannot and does not assume any responsibility for any actions or omissions of third parties, including other website users and the manner in which they might use information received from Psoriasis. In the event that you encounter any user who (a) is improperly collecting or using information about you or other users; or (b) making inappropriate comments or remarks, please contact us at +91-9812157343, or e-mail to www.psoriasisjdm.com.

    Data Security:

    Psoriasis will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information as it is transmitted from your computer and/ or mobile to our online resources and servers, as well as to protect personal information in its possession from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

    Due to the nature of online consultancy, chat and counselling, it is your personal responsibility to secure your own copies of your passwords and related access codes for our online resources.

    You must promptly notify Psoriasis of changes to: (a) your account or membership number; (b) your address and (c) any other information as you may deem fit (including but not limited to information pertaining to your health). You must also promptly notify Psoriasis if you become aware of any actual or potential breach of security, such as the unauthorised disclosure or use of your member identification, user name or password etc.

    We will be mailing you newsletters and updates from time to time and you agree and understand that this will not be in violation of Privacy Policy herein.

    Third party website:

    In the event that you access any third party website through this Website, Psoriasis highly recommends that you consult the respective privacy policy, disclaimer and terms of use of that website. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by Psoriasis of the content on such third-party websites. Psoriasis does not and can not control the contents and activities of other websites.

    Psoriasis Commitment to children's privacy:

    Protecting the privacy of children is very important to Psoriasis, and in furtherance of this, it does not collect or maintain information at the Website from those under 18 (eighteen) years of age. No part of its Website is structured to cater to minors.


    This Website and e-mails received by you may include surveys that seek your feedback on the services provided to you by Psoriasis. This information is used to improve our services and identify Website and service enhancements. By providing Psoriasis with any information or ideas you acknowledge that Psoriasis is free to use this feedback for any purpose whatsoever, without any compensation to you.


    By using the Website, you agree that the terms set out in this Privacy Policy are reasonable. If you do not think they are reasonable, you must not use this Website. You fully and completely understand the contents herein and agree to the same. You are acting on your free will and consent to the contents herein.