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Clinic Timing:-10:30AM To 7:00PM (Sunday Closed)
Welcome to JDM Ayurvedic Psoriasis Research Centre. For Appointment Call +91 - 9812157343 , 8295450519. 100 + satisfied patient with full address.
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I am Ashok Kumar from shastri Nagar Delhi. My experience of the Ayurveda Psoriasis Research Center was incredibly inspiring. The benefits have been so significant that they have influenced a change to my lifestyle, diet and how I take care of myself in mind, body and spirit.I am happy to be one of the testimonials for your web site. I would like people all over the world should know about your treatment.
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Dosage, JDM Ayurvedic Psoriasis Research Center, Psoriasis Treatment
You Are Here: www.psoriasisjdm.com   about-us   Psoriasis JDM Booty   about-us   Dosage


Psoriasis JDM Booty is supplied in powder form packed in pouch. Each pouch is to be taken twice a day in the morning and evening with luke warm water. 4 Weeks supply is consisting of 56 (28+28) pouches. For 5 to 15 years age of patients are advised to open the pouch and give 1/2 of the dosage.
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Contact Us

Dr. Jagdish Kumar
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Dr. Rohit Kumar
Reg - 273735 (HR)

JDM Ayurvedic Psoriasis Research Centre
55, Red Cross Market, Railway Road, Hisar Haryana (India)
Clinic Timing : - 10:30AM To 7:00PM (Sunday Closed)
Phone: +919812157343 , 8295450519
We Dont have any Branch in Delhi and Jaipur

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